Alternative Health Links

The Posture Page Information about methods with a history of helping people improve their posture.
Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique A comprehensive guide to this century old method of learning how to release harmful tension from your body.
Posture, Movement & Ergonomics
Online vastu design seminar   Comprehensive botanical and herb resource
Natural Healing the Wise Woman Way 300+ pages of herbal remedies and health articles, topics include: personal empowerment, alternative medicine, women's health.
Presbyopia & myopia correction strategies & eye exercises
Self-Healing Expressions   provides free and nominally priced self-paced email courses on personal transformation and holistic topics. Site also features guided imagery and healing prayers.
Daysworth   Alt Health Products Directory
Northwinds   Alt Health Products Directory

Cystis Patient Survey - patient experiences
Therapy for your stuttering toddler or preschooler - you can stop stammering and childhood speech onset
Cystitis Patient Survey
Natural Herb and Herbal Supplements information guide for health conscious consumers of herbs.

Other Interesting Sites

Alt Health and other books
Buddha, Kuan Yin, Tibetan altar cabinets, home and personal sanctuaries for your statues, statuary, figurines, or pictures
Mary's Wellness Garden and Poetry Corner
Children sleep with international child's lullabies
Craftsmen's bevel board

Travel, Internet, Products  Resource of books, cds and Indian pilgrimage tours, lectures.
Tea Tree Place Tea Tree Oil is a natural antiseptic, germicide, antibacterial, and fungicide agent. The personal care products on this web site contain this marvelous botanical wonder. Includes bulk tea tree oil.
Gemstone Essences from Healthy New Age   HeartFire and Crystal Catalyst Spiritual Enhancement Elixers