Vastu Ved Design Services

Michael Borden

VastuVed was founded by Michael Borden in 1998 for the purpose of promoting Vastu Veda and educating designers, architects, builders and homeowners of the potential of a more comfortable, happy and successful life lived in harmoney through the principles of Vastu Veda. Michael Borden has a master's degree in Architecture from SCI-Arc in Los Angeles. He comes from a family of builders, with over 25 years experience buildings and/or designing custom residences in California and the Midwest. He is currently involved in Vastu building/design projects worldwide.

The principles of Vastu science that have been used in designing India’s great and sacred temples can be applied to any building project. Michael has used these principles in designs from cottages to palaces, in schools and office buildings. The positive influence of the building geometry and layout is an excellent environment for a home or office.
